A common view of an electric tarp kit is maybe only available on a front to back system where the tarp gathers up towards the front of the bin.

Electric Tarp Kit
A common view of an electric tarp kit is maybe only available on a front to a back system where the tarp gathers up towards the front of the bin. As the leading truck tarp manufacturer in Australia, we have leading-edge electric truck tarps and other tarp kits for the side-to-side electric roll tarp system, which can be either fitted as new or retrofitted to an existing system.Â
Our latest technology side to side electric arm kits are the result of years and years of experience and product development in the USA. The Arms can be fitted to end tippers and side tippers, making our products market-leading truck tarp covers.
Aeroforce S2S is a groundbreaking new system for truck tarps that is both durable and a high performer. Made for a side to side set up; this arm can be configured to suit almost any bin. Made to last, the compression spring technology these arms encase is engineered for sustainability in even the cruelest of conditions. The arm itself is completely aluminium in order to protect the spring, suitable for truck tarps.Â
Electric Tarp systems made to suit almost any bin, these arms can be mounted on both the front and rear of the trailer. Depending on the side your truck tarp rolls open, the arm can be easily flipped either right or left to suit. Designed for convenience, these arms do not protrude far out either side of the bin or even a great distance from its mounted face. Coming out at under 350mm, these arms fit snug against the bin, even sliding in nicely against the side wall when the bins door swings around open. The clearance either side, as the arm and roller pipe, makes its way both open and closed, is only 3 inches; remaining within the maximum width allowance for roadworthy bins.Â
This arm on our electrical tarp kit comes in a few different styles to suit different bin needs. In the case of a rear tipper bin, the Force Link arm is best suited. Mounted similarly to the Aeroforce arm, the Force Link arm has a flexible chain which allows for maximum movement. This arm is suitable for use on both swing and bi-fold doors.Â
Another arm design is the Force Grip; these arms being ideal for side tipper Trailers. Very similar in design to the Aeroforce arm, the main difference being the end that is attached to the roller pipe. Instead of having an extrusion that sits at the end of the pipe, this arm on the electrical tarp kit has a circular opening the pipe slips into.Â
Designed with strength and ease of use in mind; the Aeroforce utilizes a motor design that includes a ventilation system with an internal fan that helps the motor remain cool as well as moisture-free; essential for bins that are often left out in the weather.Â
With a combination of compression spring technology and an all-metal componentry with an overall close-fitting design, these Aeroforce S2S setups are ideal for any bin whose operator wishes to drive both in style and open and close their bin with the push of a button. The ease these electric truck tarp kit arms provide work for almost any bin for almost any use; be it tippers from the side or rear.Â
William Snellex (Base Fabrication)